Friday, December 26, 2014

The Power of Word

I don’t know the origin of words or the beginning of words(probably in the beginning of language for communication), but I believe on the basis of my own experience, people or other living things use it for the purpose of communication.  Although, it evolved as a function of time along the evolution of languages.  Whenever I see two peoples during their communication or conversation, I always try to learn end-part of their conversation. It is because it directly reflects the way they have used for imparting their information in terms of their used words. Here, I tried to put my words (in my opinion only).
There are lots of ways for communication (two living things can use for exchanging their thoughts) but most extensively used, maybe because of the most efficient way, is sound.  Technically, the sound signal (which is pressure waves) which starts from one thing (here, living things), carry some information and reaches to other living things. There are lots of this signal and generally, we called “word” (which we understand and use to make our language) which is extensively used by living things especially human being. All sound signals not necessarily be a words like the music (which is also sound). Whatever we say in terms of strings of words, we always try to make some meaning and hope that these all these signals are received by another living thing (s) and tried to decode these signals to understand the meaning which was sent by the previous person. 
Apparently, the human being can also understand other signals which are other than sound, like some sign-language, some written stuff, etc. Human tries, during communication, to explain their feelings, their situations with the help of sound signals or other signals (some signal with the hand-gesture or by other body parts called expression by the body or body language). The effect of these words or the combination of these words along with all extra signals (other than words) on the human is very sensitive and complicated. Here, sensitive means the decoding process which gives the information, which was sent by the sender, becomes complicated and by slight mistake in decoding process lead the changes of meaning. These words make you feel good and bad (whatever) which highly depend on how the recipient human understands or how the source human sent their sound signals. The power of the word is so huge that you can control one human as you want. The string of these words can change your mind and hence can change your decisions, your feelings towards the things, your views towards things and many more.

Although it is very complex to explain in my opinion, I tried to explain the ways the words effects. Broadly (you can say roughly) let's see the communication process. The signals (words) affect in two ways: first, how the signals are come from the sender and second, how the recipient taking these signals. I mean to say, you can speak a single word in many ways, for example, let’s say THANKS in three ways: first, very polite with a smile on the face (really want to thank from the heart). Second, with emphasis on this word along with serious manner and third last, say this word with sarcastic manner (without any good feeling). I have mentioned above three different ways which will give you different meaning which can be felt by the recipient from the same word (which showed me a good contrast between the feelings of the meaning of the same word). But, in this word, you can also identify a number of meanings which might have some subtle differences (not mention here). 
Now, you can easily say that the recipient will decode this “THANKS” in three or more than three ways. Hence, the same word giving you three different effects on your feeling. If the feeling is different then the reaction of the recipient will also be different. Hence, the influence of the word or sound signal does not only depend on the true meaning of the word but also depends on the way of sending that signals (words). I think the word and its “way of sending” originate according to the surrounding situation of the sender which influences the state-of-mind of the sender and correspondingly the word comes out in terms of the response. Human uses these ways of communication frequently without knowing much about it and control over it and hence, we don’t know the good and bad consequences of this way of communication. The question is that what is good or bad communication. Is it highly subjective ? or there is any existence of true-communication (to be frank, I don't know). 

We all believe that if communication is good then the relationship among living creatures will be good (it can be among humans or between human and other living things). If you really frame your sentences by keeping in mind about the effect of your sentence then you really communicate according to the way which might be in the controlled way or the way which will run the situation smoothly. One can tell a single thing in various types of a string of words along with various types of tones which probably includes a lot of things like the sentence in hurting way or some respect way or some hanging way etc. But, I believe in my own experiences, that if the sentence includes the exact meaning which somebody supposed to tell will help communication in a very efficient form.  Human makes themselves in various forms which are molded by past experiences and responds accordingly. But the human doesn’t know that the behavior of single entity always keeps changes as a function of time. The ways of telling or responding to others always tend to change from time to time.  
One person might not be the same person whom we saw in the early time period and this happened because that person might get changes or you too might get changed which represents another person in a different form than the previous form. The perspective of everyone for a lot of things will get changed when we experience a lot of things or interact with things. Point is that the perspective of anyone for anything always keeps changes as a function of time. The opinion of everyone is different for a particular thing and each of us will try to explain that thing in their own way which will contain a chain of words along with distinct ways of sending them. This unique form which includes the chain of words and the way will impact the effect on the recipient. The recipient will try to analyze the meaning of the chain of words along with the way of imparting them. 
You know people always know the meaning of words or if still, it is not the appropriate word, after that they can guess the exact meaning of sender of that word. But the problem starts with the way of sending these words. The way of sending words plays a critical and important role here. This way includes your expression of face, your body movement, your tone and your way of eyes movement, etc. People never emphasize on the words but always tend to analyze the meaning of the way by which these words were sends to them. Their intentions always go towards your body language. So the important point here is that communication is not only by sending some sound signals but also the way of sending them.

To avoid the problems of misunderstanding, one should always try to use an appropriate word along with your honesty. This appropriateness will care about your thoughts which you really want to send to the other living thing or things (:p). The role of way-of-sending the words will not affect that much.  If you construct your sentence in such a way that the sentence includes you as much as information as well as a good feeling to the recipient then communication will become very efficient and smooth. Everyone wants to hear good words either via songs or by chatting with the other persons etc. You can really play with a person with your words only. You can easily control any person by your words only. You just try to know the mental state of any person and try to speak the words with the way such that he or she should feel good. After that, you can easily mold them into your direction. 

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