Friday, December 26, 2014

Teachers and Students

       After a long interaction with teachers and students during long discussions on disputable topics (like their field of interest), I thought, I should write an article (which is based on my personal experience with teachers and students) on these two characters which play a vital and significant role in our life. I am not going to write about what is good and bad for teachers and students. I am going to write about the relationship between teacher and student and how this relation is evolved as a function of their interactions, how they behave to each other as a function of time etc. Right now, I am a research scholar who stands at the interface of teacher and student. A research scholar who sometimes becomes a teacher for undergrad students and on some other time he becomes a student for faculties. Teacher and students are really an amazing creature. They are connected to each other by a special relationship which gives love and respect to each other along with hate and competition. Teacher propagates their knowledge in various means of way whereas students are to grasp this knowledge in their own way. The situation becomes critical when students complain about the teaching of the teacher. The complaint becomes true when the teacher becomes unable to explain the facts. According to my observation, this problem comes with the new teachers those who are still in the learning stage of teaching skill. But the real problem comes when teacher trying to explain and the student couldn’t understand.
       The teacher always tries their best for students which does not matter how much he or she (student) knows but they use their best effort to provide as much as good knowledge. They always think how should they present the necessary things in front of students so that students should understand what the teacher wants to present and feel some excitation along with the light of enjoyment toward their subject. In addition to the subject, the teacher always tries to give them the right direction to move on the basis of their knowledge from experience. On the other side, the student always tries to understand what teacher are presents in their lectures. Student always tries to understand by other ways like books and other means. But still, teachers and student always complaint to each other. What is the exact problem which creates this type of misalignment between these two characters of nature? Teachers always expect that student will take each and everything that a teacher has been taught. 
       But you know nobody can understand everything with crystal clear understanding about that subject since a human could not get that much power that he/she can understand everything in one shot. On the other way, the first thing nobody knows everything on the spot when you asked something. Second thing, the way of explaining plays an important role. The way which teacher is feeling that yes it is right but the student may not be in the same direction and hence student couldn’t appreciate that teacher. But still teacher always ready to explain again and again about their subject which they know nicely, they will never ignore you, they will always give their best shot to present whatever you would be asked them, they will never make fun of you on the basis of your knowledge.
On the other hand, student initially (before interaction) always respect the teacher and keep the hope that he will sort-out each problem which concerns their subject. Student always tries (honestly) to explain their problem which he faces during their studies. If the teacher is capable of a satisfied student by their arguments to resolve student’s queries then everything is fine otherwise lot of misunderstanding will come out. These misunderstandings lead bad relationship between students and teachers. If a student asked some questions and teacher is not able to answer the student’s question which might be due to lack of appropriate language then student always feel some negative feeling about that teacher, does not matter how much he knows and how much he doesn’t. Student always desires to get an immediate answer about his/her questions. But the reality is that the teacher is also a human being, he/she also has some limitations.

        I am not saying that every teacher has a very good knowledge of their subject. But few teachers who really don’t know about a particular concept then he/she again studied it and later on again they will try to explain the students. Students should not make negative arguments with the teachers who are really a genius in the field of his/her excellence. By taking one course you cannot judge them whether they are a good or bad teacher. We should work with them; discuss some scientific topics which are relevant to their field of interest. Teachers have a very long experience in their field of interest and they know what things they have to explain to students and in what way so that student can understand quite easily. They can use highly professional language which might be very precise but maybe become very difficult to grasp by the student and cannot understand that language because this language can contain some technical words which might be far from student’s existing knowledge. But students always observe the present response of teacher; they never even try to know how that teacher came here to explain after crossing a lot of problems. They usually make all arrangements (which are related to the curriculum for students) after optimizing a lot of troubles which they would never come to explain. 

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